
Colloidal Silica Technology

ReflectiCUT Cutting & Refining Enhancer has been uniquely designed as a ternary compound formulation utilizing highly reactive colloidal silica technologies and proprietary nano-abrasive compounds.
ReflectiCUT creates a reactive silica nano-abrasive slurry comprised of abrasive particles that simulate a brushing motion which abrades away concrete stock while also creating a lubricating sliding effect, reducing the friction between the substrate and the tooling, therefore enhancing and maximizing the diamond’s cutting capabilities, providing a faster, more efficient and consistent concrete removal. ReflectiCUT minimizes the creation of deep scratches and surface defects that are typically left by aggressive abrasives, instead assists in removing those high points, creating a smoother, refined surface profile that is not achievable when using diamond tooling alone. Using ReflectiCUT will increase productivity and efficiencies by reducing the number of grinding processes, resulting in a reduction of tooling, time, and labor. Furthermore, the reactive slurry also becomes an exact color matching, self-grouting compound that chemically bonds back to the surface, filling micro pinholes and surface crazing, making it ideal for substrates that are imperfect or damaged.
Get a JUMP START when using ReflectiCUT! It will begin creating a strong foundation by chemically reacting and cross-linking with the concrete’s matrix creating new, permanently bonded CSH compounds and filling any open voids, thereby increasing its overall density and strength. ReflectiCUT® is environmentally friendly and contributes to environmental sustainability.

400 - 600 SF2 / Gal. (9.8–14.7 m2/L) *



5 Gallon Pail // 18.9 L
55 Gallon Drum // 208 L
275 Gallon Tote // 1,040 L
Consult Technical Data Sheet and SDS for further details regarding application instructions and safe use of this and all products.
To further enhance ReflectiCUT’s Cutting & Refining capabilities, use REFLECTIVE FLOOR® REFYNE® Tooling which has been designed and engineered with the latest ‘Cutting Edge’ Technology that essentially shaves the peaks/top layers of concrete that are typically left by traditional aggressive abrasives.

- Fast Reacting Silica Abrasive Technology
- Faster Surface Refinement
- Enhances Tooling Cutting Capabilities
- Maximizes Tooling Life & Performance
- Self-Grouting System with Exact Color Matching
- Fills Micro-voids & Surface Crazing
- Increases Efficiencies & Productivity
- Extends the Life & Performance of Concrete Floors
- Increases Subsurface Density & Hardness
- Significantly Reduces Labor & Equipment Costs
- Continually Increase Profitability
- Environmentally Friendly
We are currently in the process of conducting new product performance and quality assurance testing. These certifications and recognitions will be posted when completed and/or awarded. Please contact your Reflective Floor Sale Representative or Technical Support for any questions. We appreciate your patience and understanding.